Debbie McCann

Debbie McCann is the co-founder and CEO of W4Sight, a software consulting firm serving the nonprofit and foundation community. W4Sight helps organizations find and implement the right balance in their software ecosystem, carefully weighing functionality, cost, and technical complexity. Debbie is a seasoned veteran in leading projects from beginning to end – facilitating the planning process, conducting software selection, managing the implementation phase, and building internal capacity while providing ongoing support. She has expertise not only in the current software used by the nonprofit and philanthropic sector, but she also has strong understanding of the core business processes that comprise her clients’ day-to- day operations.

Prior to founding her own consulting firm in 2006, and co-founding W4Sight in 2009, Debbie served as a deputy Chief Information Officer for the City of Chicago, leading the implementation and ongoing management of the City’s building permitting and inspections systems, expansion of the non-emergency services (311) system, and the development of the first online vehicle sticker system. Earlier in her career, she served as a policy analyst for a coalition of Illinois non-profit organizations, and as a consulting associate for both global and start-up firms.

Debbie earned a bachelor’s degree in history and urban studies from Northwestern University, and a master’s degree in public policy from the Harris School at the University of Chicago. She and her husband live in Oak Park, holding down the nest while their young adult daughters are away at college. Their current project is to enjoy a meal at a local restaurant in each of Chicago’s 77 community areas.