Lift a neighbor up today.

Donate now.

JFLC is a registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit. Our EIN is 92-0562371.

All donations are tax-deductible to the fullest extent of the law.

To donate via check:

Make checks out to JFLC and mail to
4411 N Ravenswood Ave, Suite 300
Chicago, IL 60640

Attention Online Donors:

On this donation form, under “ Confirm your Donation,” the additional auto-populated amount (processing fee) is COMPLETELY OPTIONAL.

>>> We suggest that you select “Other” and “$0” for your Contribution (any additional funds will not go to JFLC).

Your donation will fuel financial empowerment throughout Chicagoland!

Make a financial gift now to:

  • Address essential car repairs so a neighbor can continue getting to work,

  • Offer a sick patient peace of mind undergoing critical medical treatment,

  • Rebuild an artist's career impacted by the pandemic,

  • Ease one's transition when adapting to a new career field, and

  • Restore someone's confidence in being able to get on top of their debt.

Reimagine lending in the Chicagoland community with JFLC now.

Make a one-time or recurring online donation:

You have no idea how relieving it is to speak with a real human.
— Maria, JFLC Loan Applicant after calling our hotline and explaining her impending eviction