About JFLC
Inspired by core Jewish values, JFLC aids and empowers those with financial needs in the Chicagoland community to achieve their goals by offering zero-interest loans.
Founder & Executive Director
Many thanks to all those who make JFLC possible.
Clergy Advisory Committee
Rev. Jonathan Brooks, Lawndale Christian Community Church
Rabbi Paul Cohen, Temple Jeremiah
Rabbi Shoshanah Conover, Temple Sholom
Cantor Michelle Drucker Friedman, Emanuel Congregation
Rabbi Capers Funnye, Beth Shalom B’nai Zaiken
Rabbi Adir Glick, Temple Har Zion
Rabbi Ari Hart, Skokie Valley Agudath Jacob Synagogue
Rabbi Lizzi Heydemann, Mishkan Chicago
Rev. Celeste Kennel-Shank, Moveable Feast, a Mennonite-affiliated community
Rabbi Harold Kudan, Founding Rabbi, Am Shalom
Rabbi Steven Lowenstein, Am Shalom
Cantor Andrea Rae Markowicz, Am Shalom
Rabbi Aaron Melman, Congregation Beth Shalom
Rev. Christina Montgomery, Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
Rabbi Debra Newman Kamin, Am Yisrael Conservative Congregation
Rabbi Michael Schwab, North Suburban Synagogue Beth El
Rabbi Isaac Serotta, Makom Solel Lakeside
Rabbi Philip Sherman, B’nai Jehoshua Beth Elohim
Rabbi Michael Siegel, Anshe Emet Synagogue
Rabbi Rachel Weiss, Jewish Reconstructionist Congregation
Rev. Michael Ware, North Shore Baptist Church
Roberto Arista, Byline Bank
Suzanne Fournier
Jane Lederman
Cindy Ivanac-Lillig, Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago
Suzanne Malec-McKenna, PhD, Nonprofit Consultant
Rabbi David Rosenn, Hebrew Free Loan Society New York
Donna Rockin, Former Director, Duman Entrepreneurship Center
Tanya Pietrkowski, Consultant
Jeff Tiell, Consultant
Paul S. Watford, Christian Community Health Center